The costs for the course as are follows
  1. An Enrollment Fee of $150
  2. The Supplies and Equipment fee which is required on or before the first class. $600
  3. The Tuition for the course which is 7350.00
The Registration Fee, the Supplies and Equipment Fee and $3675.00 tuition, is
required by the first day of class. The remaining $3675.00 is due upon satisfactory
completion of the Basic Series, prior to the beginning of the Advanced Series of classes.

Our School runs a limited number of qualified students per year and as such does
not burden the Students with the additional $2000.00 plus for costs associated
with arranging, monitoring and collecting Student Aid Loans. Part of the
Entry process is being self confident and versatile enough to arrange your own class
financing, Students that do so seem to fare much better in the job marketplace.

This is a 10 week course. The time commitment breaks down as follows

Week Course Title: Clock Hours:
1. Basic Plate - SMAW (Stick) 30
2. Basic Pipe - SMAW (Stick) 30
3. Basic Plate - FCAW 30
4. Basic Pipe - FCAW 30
5. Advanced Plate - SMAW - Certification Testing* 30
6. Advanced Pipe - SMAW - Certification Testing* 30
7. Advanced Plate - FCAW - Certification Testing* 30
8. Advanced Pipe - FCAW - Testing 30
9 & 10. Trade School Module: MSDS, OSHA, Crane Signaling, Boom Truck & Fork Lift Seminars, First Aid/CPR, Laser Survey, Job-site Layout, Rigging & Inspections, Finding and Keeping a Job. 80

The school weeks are four days long with either of the two times
  1. Tuesday through Friday, 7:00am to 12:00pm
  2. Monday through Thursday, 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Click Here To Proceed To Enrollment

Albany Weld - Trade School
912 Old Salem Road N.E.
Albany, Oregon 97321
541-928-9353-OR- 866-928-9353